Friday, August 21, 2009

Grandson Silas Miller

Silas Miller was the grandson of William Miller and son of Samuel Miller and Rachel Dawson.

Silas married Hannah Abrahims in Ohio in 1845 and had two sons before his father died in 1850. They began a trek westward within two years of Samuel's death through Illinois and Indiana adding six more children to their family. Hardships apparently plagued the family and they made a further move south towards the Oregon Trail--on foot. Silas became ill and died three months after arriving in the Ft. Scott, Kansas area (1864) leaving his two mid-teenage sons to support the rest of the family. His widow, Hannah, stayed in the general vicinity for the rest of her life and died in 1913.

The attachment is a scan of the family record in Silas Miller's Bible and then his second son, Samuel Enoch Miller (my ggrandfather).

submitted by Lori Miller Butler

1 comment:

  1. Oh that all of our ancestors would have left us a beautiful family Bible/family record such as this one! Thanks so much for sharing this Lori.


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