Thursday, September 27, 2012

How To Get A Reminder

Dear Followers,

If you want a reminder when there is a new blog, look down in the right-hand column and go down to just below the Members box. 

There you will find the Follow By Email. Just click on that box and put in your email address, and when I write a new blog, you will automatically be notified. 

YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY SPAM, I PROMISE!!! You will only get an automatic notification from this blog's email address. This is a great way to not miss any posts.

Thanks so much for your support, and did you note that the blog has now received over 80,000 hits!! Lots of people out there looking for a Bradford (though they're probably looking for the Governor....ah well....who isn't?!).

Thanks again, and would love to hear from all of you, either in the Comments section or to the email address above, especially if you have any interesting Miller-Bradford information to follow.

Take Care,


  1. Do those lovely tulips come with the reminders? ;)

    Congratulations on your 80,000 hits!

  2. You're sweet. I wish I could! But I'm sending you lovely thoughts and virtual tulips!

    Have a great day and lots of genealogy success, Jacqi!


Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment.