Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Newly-Found Document For William Miller - Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768 - 1801

When William and Rebecca (Bradford) Miller left Cecil County, Maryland, they moved to Fayette County in southwestern Pennsylvania.  A couple of records led me to believe that they first lived in Franklin Towship.

A new record (new to me, that is), the index to "Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768 - 1801" lists the names of not only William Miller (1st page, 2nd name), but also his mother-in-law, Sarah Bradford (second page, 6th up from bottom), and her son, David Bradford (2nd page, 3rd from the top) as living in Franklin Township.  We know from census records that Rebecca's mother and brother David did move out to Fayette County with their family, so this record supports that fact.

Later they would move to near Connellsville in Dunbar township (perhaps to be closer to their boat-building business on the Youghigheny River, if indeed the boat-building legend is true), but it looks like they started their new life in Franklin Township as these tax rolls indicate. Sadly, it can't be determined from this record which year this is for, but we believe the families moved to Fayette County around 1782. [See research note below].

IMPORTANT RESEARCH NOTE:  Fayette County records mention a different William Miller whose wife's name was also Rebecca.  He is totally unrelated to our Miller's and was born in 1782 (our William was born in 1732).  It is difficult to distinguish which William Miller is being referred to in some records of a later date.


  1. The above document for William is for 1786. I also found tax records in Franklin township for William in 1783 and 1785 and 1788.

  2. There are three records for Sarah in Franklin township, Fayette county, 1783, 1786 and 1788.


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